Our UBC chapter boasts an alumni group of nearly 2,000 brothers, part of over 180,000 initiated Phi Gamma Delta brothers worldwide.
The list includes 1 U.S. President, 4 Vice-Presidents, 1 Canadian Supreme Court Judge, 11 Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients, 5 Medal of Honour recipients, 6 Pultizer Prize winners, 2 Nobel Prize winners, over 80 Olympians and many business leaders.
Calvin Coolidge, 13th President of the USA
Gerald McGavin (Pi Gamma '60), Member of the Order of Canada, Namesake of the Gerald McGavin UBC Rugby Centre on campus
Dan Mangan (Pi Gamma '05), 2-Time Juno Award Winner
Clay Bennett, Owner of the Oklahoma City Thunder
Jim Prentice, Former Premiere of Alberta
Charles E. Rushmore, Namesake of Mt. Rushmore
Seth Meyers, Telivision Host and Actor
Phillip Knight, Co-founder of Nike
Frank Iacobucci (Pi Gamma '62), Former Justice – Supreme Court of Canada
Percy Williams (Pi Gamma '32) – Gold Medal Sprinter – 1928 Amsterdam Olympics
Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter
Jack Nicklaus, Member of World Golf Hall of Fame
Dean Smith, Former Coach of the UNC Basketball Team